NHCR-1068(Natural Hi-Tech) ¥1,500 2008/9/17 produced by shojoskip recording &mix hori 1.sweet days and her last kiss/my dead girlfriend 2.we eat in the subway and pass over his comment in silence/my dead girlfriend 3.nou ni tokeru asobi/my dead girlfriend 4.kinoshita fuyou/my dead girlfriend 5.a wise old owl said ""Something good will happen today""/少女スキップ 6.nami/少女スキップ 7.umbrella/少女スキップ 8.usag/少女スキップ my dead girlfriend とのSP版 ■タワーレコード bounceで紹介されたよー ■HMV |
VTCD05(Valentine Records) 2008/6/21 produced by dan jury recording &mix andre sakai 1,アザミ 2,ウララカ 3,Faba bean thought to be abstract |
1st demo 2006/8/26 |
関東ローム層RECORD KRR-001 2002/7/12 「untitled」で参加 with MANGO330,髑髏首 etc. |